Any options for low power class A amps?

Okay, I do most of my music listening at work because of time constraints.  I have a nice desk system that includes some 4" Fostex full range speakers, an Olasonic dac, an Olasonic cd transport, and an integrated Olasonic amp/dac.  I have nothing but good things to say for Olasonic however I would like to add better amplification.  I am looking for a small solid state amplifier that is pure class A in the 5 to 10 watts range.  The only ones that I have found have a higher power rating and are huge or are A/B amps that are biased slightly higher.  I don't know if anyone makes class A amps in this power rating.  If you know of any I would greatly appreciate your help.  I have tried headphone amps that are pure class A that results in an improvement but the impact is not there due to power and impedance matching of speakers in comparison to headphones.  The Fostex drivers I am using are 16 ohms btw.  Thanks.
Class A is hard to find "small". How about the Parasound Zamp? It gets very good buzz, and quite small.  Otherwise, not sure if you need it small in 3D or just 2D (i.e. small footprint) you could probably find some small SET amps.
Lol, I actually just ordered a Zamp from AA about an hour ago because they had it on sale.  I also own the A21 and A23 at home for several years now and am very happy with Parasound.  I was looking for something small because the Olasonic stack I have at work is small and I wanted something I could place next to it.  I could bring an A23 from home that I am not using and place it out of the way but part of my hobby is learning by trying different equipment.  

I looked at some SET amps but I could only find ones made in China. Nothing bad about them and they are a good value but for their equipment to reach the sound quality I am happy with I had to spend a lot of time upgrading components.  I'm not looking to do that this time.  Any recommendations on SET amps?  

I am also looking for small bookshelf speakers 4" drivers for a replacement for the Fostex.  I have been using them for 2 years straight and they sound jaw dropping but I may be ready for a change soon.  
Guess I'm too late, but was going to suggest Berning microZOTL. Cheers,