Any options for low power class A amps?

Okay, I do most of my music listening at work because of time constraints.  I have a nice desk system that includes some 4" Fostex full range speakers, an Olasonic dac, an Olasonic cd transport, and an integrated Olasonic amp/dac.  I have nothing but good things to say for Olasonic however I would like to add better amplification.  I am looking for a small solid state amplifier that is pure class A in the 5 to 10 watts range.  The only ones that I have found have a higher power rating and are huge or are A/B amps that are biased slightly higher.  I don't know if anyone makes class A amps in this power rating.  If you know of any I would greatly appreciate your help.  I have tried headphone amps that are pure class A that results in an improvement but the impact is not there due to power and impedance matching of speakers in comparison to headphones.  The Fostex drivers I am using are 16 ohms btw.  Thanks.
Bakoon vs Valvet vs First Watt,  this would be a very fun/interesting comparison of top quality low power SS amplifiers.  All three built by very highly regarded companies. I don’t believe there's a loser in this grouping. If I ever strayed from 300b SET  (I won't) this would my direction. 
Srajan compared the Bakoon quite favorably to the First Watt S.I.T.amplifiers,  high praise!
I am a big fan of the Micro ZOTL as well. It powers my 8 ohm, 93db speakers quite well and it also works as an incredible preamp. And then there is the ZOTL10.
All of this is great stuff and yes it would be a very interesting comparison.  The only thing I regret is having easy demo access to these kinds of components so one can be sure to know what they are purchasing.  

Lancelock, thank you for letting us know that the Micro ZOTL will do fine with high efficiency speakers.
You might want to check out Decware SE34I.5 class A 6 w/ch which offer as free trial too.
Audioman specified transistor amplifiers, otherwise I would have listed some terrific low power tube amplifiers.