HFT, Apertures, or something else?

Hi All,

In trying to think what else I could possibly do to my system I have been wondering about these. Let me first say that I am very happy with all my components and am in the process of improving my power management a bit, so that base is being covered (please see my other ongoing discussion about that in amps). Also, I love the sound of my system; if I never touched it again I could happily listen to it every day for hours on end.  That being said, if I could perhaps enhance one thing, it would be to expand the perceived size of the soundstage, back further behind the speakers, primarily, maybe a bit laterally as well, though that is quite good. My Wilson Sasha speakers have been professionally set up using various acoustic tools and measurements by a trained sound engineer, so unless Jim Smith comes to my house and moves them, I'm leaving them where they are. My room is approx 20x15x8.5 feet. Overall great acoustics otherwise, carpeted floor, nice corrugated blinds on the only Windows, behind my listening position (about 5 feet away).  There is some asymmetry as there is a fireplace with mantel and an in-wall cabinet that slightly protrudes on one side wall. The surface there is irregular and broken up at approx first and second reflection points. Opposite wall I have placed canvas art panels at the reflection points.

Sorry for being long-winded, but I thought that info might be useful. So, would you try the HFTs, Aperture panels, something else, or nothing?

Thank you!
I believe you will obtain a major improvement in your soundstage with the use of the Synergistic Research HFT's. I have treated two totally different rooms that have  different electronics and both rooms really responded to the installation.

The placement diagrams at the Synergistic Research web site take a lot of guesswork out of placement location. And best of all they can be returned if you do not like the change.They also can be easily removed and reinstalled on any future listening room.

I am very happy with mine. Alfred at High End Electronics, Apple Valley, Calif. and Peter Hansen at The Cable Company,  New Hope, Penn. can give you a lot of help with the Synergistic Research HFT's.

David Pritchard
David, thanks so much. If I get 10 HFTs and 5 HFT 2.0s, where would you put them? Would the 2.0s go in the level 3 positions?
I would get the standard HFT's in place and then "experiment" with the 2.0 placement. I have a HFT on the left and right side of each speaker and the remaining 2.0 on the front wall, midway between the speakers and a few inches above the floor.

With a little practice you will get a feel as you place the HFT's whether the soundstage is getting better or worse. I like sticking them on the wall using Blue Stick reusable putty (from Home Depot).

It was a fun project to me. No break in time to endure. And if you do not like the sonic change send them back !  As you add HFT's the soundstage increases in the 3D effect and the music becomes richer in sound.

David Pritchard
Thanks David. After discussing with Alfred, I ordered 3 sets of regular HFTs. He recommended using those for levels 1-3, then adding HFT 2.0 for the next levels. I'll let you know how the room sounds once I get them installed. As you said, I can always return them if I don't like it!  Did you just follow the installation sequence described on the Synergistic website, or did you vary from that?