I believe you will obtain a major improvement in your soundstage with the use of the Synergistic Research HFT's. I have treated two totally different rooms that have different electronics and both rooms really responded to the installation.
The placement diagrams at the Synergistic Research web site take a lot of guesswork out of placement location. And best of all they can be returned if you do not like the change.They also can be easily removed and reinstalled on any future listening room.
I am very happy with mine. Alfred at High End Electronics, Apple Valley, Calif. and Peter Hansen at The Cable Company, New Hope, Penn. can give you a lot of help with the Synergistic Research HFT's.
David Pritchard
I believe you will obtain a major improvement in your soundstage with the use of the Synergistic Research HFT's. I have treated two totally different rooms that have different electronics and both rooms really responded to the installation.
The placement diagrams at the Synergistic Research web site take a lot of guesswork out of placement location. And best of all they can be returned if you do not like the change.They also can be easily removed and reinstalled on any future listening room.
I am very happy with mine. Alfred at High End Electronics, Apple Valley, Calif. and Peter Hansen at The Cable Company, New Hope, Penn. can give you a lot of help with the Synergistic Research HFT's.
David Pritchard