Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Tommylion ..

That Nutcracker I led you to on Amazon isn't the budget version, its the version Robert brought over. Honestly, its a CD that should be in every classical music lover's collection. 

Tommylion       9/20/16

" There's a line where what you're listening to stops being a recording, and becomes a musical event. That line is not always clearly marked or defined, but you know when you've crossed it. For me, that's what this hobby is all about; turning recordings into musical events"

This is what this tread is all about.  This is  what our hobby is about. What a beautiful .way to say it. 
Yes nyame, Tommy summed it up succinctly and beautifully.  When you're able to say this you've assembled an audio system in the right direction. 
One way to determine when your audio system has "arrived," is when your friends stop saying "Hey, your SYSTEM sounds great," and instead they begin to say: "Hey, those GUYS sound great."
Very well said and true. The better the system the more attention/focus is drawn directly to the music and musicianship as opposed to cerebral/analytical dissection of the sound.