Luxman L-590AX


Can someone please explain how this AMP sounds? I have never heard it, but some people says this amp has an analog and warm tube sound. Is this correct?
Is this amp great if I play many bad recordings and hard rock music? Many amps are too clinical, harsh, "hifi-correct" to my taste.

If anyone have heard L-590AX compared to f.example McIntosh MA7000 or MA8000, I would be glad to hear the difference in the sound. Is the sound very different?

My only caveat to you is that the Harbeths are pretty inefficient. In a small room I guess it wouldn't matter, but it is something to consider.
I am driving Legacy Focus SE with AMT tweeters, but they are big, efficient speakers.

I have Harbeth C7ES3's powered by a 30 watt Accuphase e-600 and it plays very loud in my room of roughly 10 x 20 feet. It also sounds absolutely amazing as I'm sure the Luxman would.
Hey Rockpanther,
    I had a Luxman L-550 AX for a good while and loved it. I just want to say that the tone controls on the Lux are superbly implemented, as are all of its features. I never bought into the Audiophile ethic that eschews everything but a source selector and a volume control. 
    These do run hot, make sure its got plenty of breathing room.
What about warm-up time? How long does it take before this class a amplifier sounds it’s best?
I'd say it's at it's best after 20 minutes, Peter. It sounds very good to start. I've owned one for about 2 years now.