You want the TRUTH from those Wilson Alexia's, maybe you can't handle the TRUTH

56 bi-polar outputs, current till the cows come home, massive supply, multiple small power supply caps for fast release, 2000w into 2ohms that’s 2hp!!!!!

Cheers George
And it didn't work that well in the reference system until changes in preamp, cabling and power conditioning were made.  I think the reviewer respected the amp, but didn't love it.

Very cool.   Love the front panel.  I remember SAE being the cat's meow years ago.   

It was funny reading that review. I came away thinking that the amp was fast and a little thin and ruthless...just like the old SAE!
@roxy54  Hahahahaha. :) Not far off the mark of the old SAE. Haven't heard the latest.

While I appreciate power, I'm with Nelson Pass. I'm much more interested in the performance of an amp between 0 and 10 watts than 10 and 100.

