First and foremost , I want to thank everyone immensely !
The responses have been terrific and far more than I could've hoped for .
There is a lot of good information here that should help many others .
I decided to rule out anything used from a private party due to many horror stories about shipping damages . Also anything that came with a recommendation of an immediate upgrade or part change .
Sota - Obviously an excellent product with a great reputation . But it was stated that it works best with different types of music than what I desire and I have no need for a suspension system . tdybare1 speaks of his Nova with the vacuum hold down but that is above my price point . So I ruled out Sota .
WT Amadeus MKII - Very well respected . I thought long and hard on this one . But considering my waning dexterity and the operation of the tone arm without the aid of lifting devices , I had to decide against it .
Avid Diva II - Nobody spoke to this one .
That leaves the Origin Live Calypso MKIII and the VPI Prime .
The Prime has garnered quite a few accolades , gets spoken of frequently , does not have any recommended upgrades and is 'Made in America' . So I ordered one today .
Again , thank you to everyone .