Turntable Recommendation 15K budget Avid Acutus, Brinkmann, Oracle, Nottingham,,

Hi All,

Im looking for suggestion or any forms of recommendation for a New Turntable,My  buget is from 10-15K. I already have a Tri-Planer Tone arm and just looking to upgrade the table.

Not interested in the Kuzma or VPI, below are the ones i am looking at mostly:

AVID Acutus
Origin Live

Or a Older Gerad, Technics SP-10 Thorens?

Anymore suggestion,

I abandoned Vinyl many years ago in pursuit for the best digital gear. Was extremely disappointed with the MSB Diamond & Analog DAC after owning it for over 18 months i sold them both.

I now have the Playback Design Merlot dac and pleased with it but would like to go back into Vinyl.

Im looking for a very musical presentation, transparent, speed which has a nice midrange bloom but not over the top. Somethign which can last me for a few years at least 5-8 years with out upgrading.
Oracle Delphi MK VI Second Generation with Oracle/SME 5 tonearm....comes standard now with the turbo power supply.
I am in the process of moving to that table from a VPI HR-X

I will be using the Transfiguration Proteus cartridge......
A new or used Galibier Gavia

these never come up for sale but Thom Mackris the desighner occasionally gets them on people moving up to the stelvios.


See the bargain bin section

Thom is one of the greats in audio

my last table

Although I endorse EBM's enthusiasm for the TW Acustic Raven, which I also use, from your list, the only one I would consider is the Avid Acutus (Ref? If it's within budget, but the standard one is also impressive).

So I went with the AVID Acutus Ref SP and still debating if I should buy another table for my bedroom setup. Either the Avid Sequel or the TW Acoustics.