System shutting down due to clipping?

From time to time my HT system shuts off when playing at higher volumes. The Yamaha AV unit is running out of juice and I assume it is tripping off as a self preservation function. I am guessing that the rear surround speakers are the culprits since they are 4 ohm. I am not sure whatload the center channel is.
SO how do I fix this? I do not want to change the AV unit and am not real keen about changing the speakers either. Don't even think of suggesting that I turn the volume down.
turn it down, change to a better amp or get different speakers, I can all but promise your problem is beyond a fan or two.
I checked the manual and this newer model AVR does not have a 6 ohm option. The surrounds are set to small and I did dial back on the master max volume setting.
I am not going to replace the AVR since it is fairly new. I will consider changing out the speakers if I cannot get this fixed. I do not want to "turn it down" since the system needs to play at the volume level I want. It is suppose to please me and I am not going to play at a low volume in fear of the system shutting down. If the problem is overheating as Elizabeth suggests then a fan should certainly help. I just have to figure out how to wire one into the system. More testing tonight. And no I wasn't playing it on 11.
Put some more 4 Ohm speakers on that Yamaha, crank it up and show it who's boss.
Make sure you have good ventalation or a fan as suggested. This is most likely a heat problem.