Best Capacitors for Crossovers

I am now in the tweaking stage of trying different caps in my crossovers for my DIY homemade 2 way. I presently have and will soon try a 5.6uf 800 vdc +/- 2% Jantzen Audio Silver Z-cap.

I see that Mundorf, V Cap get a lot of accolades, and the Dueland are quite pricey.

Does anyone have a favorite?

I am trying to cross over at about 4500HZ at 6db.

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Technology before brand.

There are two main types of quality caps: metallized, and film-and-foil. The former are cheaper, the latter better: by better, I mean smoother, more refined, more detailed.

Dielectric thickness doesn't matter very much, but metal thickness does. Just about anything thick enough to be wound up on a spool is thick enough for sonics, but a deposited conductor is a different matter.

Construction is also important. The larger the capacitance, the more the cap can suffer from inductance. MIT Multicap have a connection scheme that minimizes this. Duelund has a flat pack topology which is just about optimal.

Polypropylene tends to sound pretty good, but compared to styrene, is dull. PTFE (teflon) sounds a little bright compared to styrene. Styrene is, to my mind, the most neutral of the conventional dielectrics. These are the films.

For metal, the best is one which connects easily (usually solders easily). Those are silver, copper, and tin. These are the foils.

Now to the brands. I have used many, and MIT are my favourites. Solen f&f are less expensive but less good in my opinion, except for their PTFE f&f, which are as good as anyone's. Relcap makes a good capacitor. For the very best sound, I use MIT RTX series, which is a styrene / tin capacitor.

YMMD. Hope that helps.

Munforf supreme is a good standard ,med vost nice imdging warm natural presentation for a xover for Tweeter 
Without question I have used many times the Munforf Silver oil.slightly warm and natural.Very good image depth and air . Best value hands down rated very high 
Is the Audyn True Copper caps.  Very large using a lot of Copper foil 
Big and bold nice and rich, open and excellent image depth 
Go to Humble homemade hifi capacitor tests .very accurate Tony has helped me several times while living in Europe.  How much room also is important. 
Inductors always loved the Jantzen  inductors from Denmark.
With resistors Mills are warmer, but for resolution the ohmite gold are very good 
As are thd Munforf white reference . The best and warm may be the Path audio 
Made in Poland .the same company that make the Khozmo volume attenuator. 
Solder very important . WBT,CARDAS,, Mundorf, Johnsons 4% silver very good 
And a best buy. Wire I use Neotech 0- Crystal Copper Teflon wire .

Concerning the new ClarityCap CMR and CSA ranges, it would be a conflict of interest to comment on their performance relative to other brands. However, it seems fair to mention that these models are qualitatively different from other metalized film capacitors with respect to their copper litz end caps. This contrasts with other metalized film caps(e.g. Mundorf, Solen) that use traditional tin-zinc end spray to bridge the metal film layers at the capacitor ends. End sprays atomize and oxidize upon deposition, forming grain boundaries of variable impedance and phase anomalies that worsen with diameter. The performance advantage of a copper end relative to tin-zinc increases with diameter. This particularly favors use in applications involving higher capacitance and larger dimensions as found in crossovers.

I just finished replacing 6uf and 17uf MR with CMR in my much-modified Merlin VSMs. This was a big step up.

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