***My impression is that when there isn't unequivocal agreement with your assessment of an artist there seems to be a knee jerk reaction in the negative instead of a substantive discussion of the particulars of the "why's and how's"; perhaps I am mistaken****
I think all three of us agree on Carter. Yes, perhaps you are.
***But, to suggest that those guys can't play is ludicrous; those guys can play and they demonstrate superior musicianship even if falling short in the area of authenticity as compared to Delta blues.***
Didn't say they could not play. Did not even say the tune was not blues. I was just pointing out that music can meet certain technical criteria, and still not sound like what the name implies.
****"inner workings"**** aaaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!!!
you slay one dragon and The Frogman blindsides you with another! Mercy Lord!!
****The "authentic" but mediocre food, or the excellent Nuveau (and barely Mexican) food? For me, it's a no-brainer.***
Depends on the genre. Blues, Gospel, Folk and real Country (not C&W), has to be authentic, otherwise its not really what the name says it is. A lot of modern music has no 'authentic' component to it. It consist of just the notes on the page.
IOW, the current Queen of Opera Divas, can sing any gospel song ever written. Blues and country songs also. Even if this diva was born and raised in Germany. Right? She can get the nuts and bolts, oops, I mean inner workings, perfect pitch and tone, but I doubt if she would get the correct meaning of the music. She would not want to get on the stage with The Gaithers or Mahalia Jackson.
When I was reading your food analogy, I thought about the Little Stevie Wonder song "Finger-tips parts one and two. On the record you can hear a member of the band shouting to his band mates "what Key?,What Key?" hahahaha. Mom and Pop forgot to put the meat in the tamales!!
Other than these few insignificant points, we are in total agreement.