Kuzma tables/arms?

Here’s a line that while around a long time, seems to fly under the radar. I think it’s fair to say that their tables haven’t caught on the US. Their tonearms however, seem to get plenty of attention. I’m considering the Stabi S (PIPE BOMB) table, and a Kuzma arm. The latter either the normally partnered Stogi, or perhaps their 12" arm, simply called the 12" VTA. I have no specific question…. Just looking for any thoughts or experience with these products. I would run an EMT Tsd-15, or the new Tsd-75.


Well in connection with Linn LP 12 Raul asked this question: ''if

the original design is good why so many improvements?''

According to this way of thinking one can state that all Kuzma

TT's are excelent designed. My Stabi Reference is still produced

and still in the original form. The other, implicit advantage, is that

either of them is a very good second hand canditate  because

of their durability (imply by design). One should also add the

excelent support for the customers by Kuzma himself.

 All my emails are answered by  Kuzma himself. My only problem

with him is that  he is from Slovenia while I am from Serbia (grin).  



For many years I owned and enjoyed a Kuzma Stabi (oak plinth model with heavy lid) and Stogi Reference arm.  I've been in this hobby for a few decades and owned several different tables/arms prior to that.

I consider the Kuzmas to be very well designed/engineered and offer good build quality.  Mine replaced a Well Tempered table and arm, itself a very well regarded unit, and I found the Kuzma outperformed it.  It was silent, stable, musical, and quite adjustable.  

The only reason for moving on was I've acquired a fair number of cartridges (thanks to Raul) and the Kuzma couldn't accept a second arm and the fixed headshell meant swapping cartridges was not a quick or easy task.  For anyone happy with a single cartridge I feel Kuzma is highly recommended.  Note some Kuzma models may have interchangeable headshells.
I can say with absolute certainty, that the Pipe Bomb is as named... The Bomb!! It gets fully realized if placed on a Symposium Platform. The improvement this makes takes it beyond belief.

So yes, I think you made a great choice!!
Never used the "pipe bomb" but I've owned two of Kuzma's tables--the Reference and the XL--and still run the XL with a fairly early Airline arm. Build quality is exceptional, Franc is right on the front line with customers when they have issues--he has been very gracious to me over the years-- and I've had very few problems. (More stuff relating to compressor for the arm than either table or the arm itself and I've managed to get those sorted directly with Sil-Air here in the States).  The US distributor for Kuzma is Scot Markwell, a knowledgeable guy who has been around a long time and knows his stuff.  I have had longstanding relationships with a few companies over the years as a customer, and Kuzma is right at the top of that list.