Dynaudio C1 compared to Harbeth Super HL5 plus?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare these?


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So what happened to the sound you liked very much,became boring or you don't like the way how some song sound on your system? I do find that some music track sounds nice on dyns ,some not. The same with SHL5 .If you want bigger sounstage probably you need krell or pass labs amps or donwgrade to S1.4LE (like I did)in order to get more dynamic and vibrant midrange.I am not joking . SHL5 sounds big and dynamic with my hybrid amp synthesis roma37DC+ playing  audiophile music.
 I use a Rowland Concentra, and Audio Research cd9 with my C1's.

Sounds heavenly!

I have listened to both in separate systems but have not compared both side by side. You have to listen to the speakers in your own system to determine if you like them.

A note is the SHL5plus is quite a bit better than the SHL5. An overall more versatile speaker with much improved bass. The SHL5plus does not exhibit the excessive mid-bass lift or bloom of the older 5s and is improved in areas of detail, coherency and smoothness across the frequency spectrum.

In very brief summary, I would describe the Dynaudio C1s to be clean, precise and analytical whilst the SHL5plus is more organic, natural and has a slightly warmer sound.
I've previously owned C2's and C4's but prefer the Harbeth M-40.1's to both by a wide margin... not even close IME.   I've also owned the original SHL5's and prefer them to the C2, but not the C4.  Haven't heard the C1, but I'd be surprised if I'd find them better than Harbeth given my experience with the Dyn. Confidence line.  I agree with Ryder's description of the Dyn. Confidence sound... but I didn't find the original SHL5's to sound warm, but do agree they are more natural sounding than Dyn's.
Thanks for all your thoughtful responses.

Ryder that's exactly what I was looking for, and now must find a Harbeth dealer so I can listen.  Sounds like the Harbeth will be a good replacement for my C1.  Frankly I never have gotten used to the looks of the C1.  Really prefer a more traditional look in a box speaker.

I like the C1, but just don't "love" em.........Always seem to return to my Quad ESL57's.  Harbeth might be a good solution for a second pair to rotate now and then.......