Newbie Question on Arcam

Hello all. First off, I have been reading this website as I do research to buy my first system and thanks for all of the great information!

I am buying a pair of B&W BM8s and am trying to figure out which receiver to buy. I want the receiver to be good for listening to audio, but also do surround sound (video switching, etc.).

My research has led me to the Arcam AVR350 and AVR400. I have listened to these vs. some higher-end Denon, Pioneer and Marantz gear and I believe they do sound better. I have read about the quality issues with Arcam (and the importance of buying from an authorized dealer so the warranty remains intact), but I am curious if there are any other watch outs I should be aware of or other gear I should be looking at.

Additionally, on this forum I have read about the benefits of buying good component power amps and a separate pre-amp / surround processor (so when newer technology comes out you only replace the pre-amp vs. an integrated receiver). I was wondering if anyone could recommend any of these combinations that would be comparable in price range and quality to the Arcam gear (so $1700-$2500).

Thanks in advance for your time and advice!
What I've read from other online users, Emotiva gears tend to be a bit too bright. Is that true?
I have owned a few pieces of Arcam gear and can't say I would recommend it for the very reasons you have stated, especially not used. I have had much better luck with Rotel and Anthem when used with my B&W 804, and 805s speakers.
Why have you ruled out AVRs by Pioneer, onkyo, Sony and Denon? I have owned AVRs from all of the above and prefer them all to Arcam.