Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.
Inna like Johnny Cash, he understands and is able to relate to people. I think that’s what mostly matters and his style and technique are just a means to that end.  Also both are true to themselves and come across as humble.   It all adds up.
bd nice assessment and hard to disagree with.  his impact is huge perhaps the biggest artistic impact on the world over his time.
Simon's lyrics are of the "pretty poetry" type. Dylan's are profound, if you "get" them. ;-)
****perhaps the biggest artistic impact on the world over his time****

"Over his time" being the key distinction. Thank goodness for moderation.  

****Absolutely and by a wide margin the most significant, influential, "important" artist of the 20th Century---bar none,****

Yikes!  Appreciate the appreciation (and the artist); but, really?

Congrats, Bob!