Best amps to use for the Dali megalines

Hi All

I know this has been discussed before, but I would be very grateful for some advice re the Dali Megalines. I have a set od Dali's coming with the TAD tube crossovers, and at present have 2 Audio research REF 750's to drive the one set, but need to get a second set of amps and was thinking more along solid state lines. Would one use the 750's for the base and midrange or the tweeters, and what SS amp can you recommend? Thanks 
Dali has been pretty specific about using the same amp on the bottom as you have on top.

I'm running Merrill Audio VERITAS mono amps on the bottom & a PS Audio BHK Signature 250 amp on the top with a asi-tek 'transformed' Behringer DCX2496 crossovered at 700hz at 48db brining them together.The sound going from my Megalines is by far best I have have/heard in my 30 years of audio. So sweet sounding with such spooky imaging it's scary! You cannot beat a floor to ceiling dipole ribbon period. I will be enjoying these for many many years to come.