Help With A Turn Table Upgrade

Greetings to the list.  I am looking to purchase a new (to me) turntable.  I am looking at the following which are all in the $950-1100 range.  A VPI Traveler with a Sumiko Blue Point cartridge, a VPI HE-19 with no cartridge, and a Rega P5 with the RB700 arm and an Ortofon M2 red cartridge.  I would appreciate some input as to the relative merits of the candidates.  Thanks to all. 
I'd be reluctant to consider any used phono cartridge.
I agree with Cleeds.  A used TT is OK, but do not consider a used cartridge especially it's history is unknown.  So here are my comments about the three candidates...

As a Traveler owner, I recommend this TT and try and negotiate a lower price without the cartridge. 

The HW-19 is a very nice table but do you know which version it is as its been around since 1984?

Finally, the Rega has a great tonearm but a low cost entry level cartridge with the 2M Red.  So don't expect too much off if you go with the Rega and offer a lower price. 

Good luck.
I would consider a Marantz TT 15 (US$ 1,500), which is made in Germany by Clearaudio. Looks great, it is very stable and low resonance. The arm itself sells for S1,600 if bought separeted, and the cartridge included (Clearaudio Virtuoso - MM) sells for $900. You can buy used without cart for under $ 1000 but you will spend a good money for another cart. 
I have one for about 4 years and recently upgraded the cart for another Clearaudio MC (Concerto $2700) and I can tell you this table handles this cartridge wonderfuly. 
The same table under the name Clearaudio sell for over $2000 without cart.