Norah Jones

...anyone hear her new record?
I have the CD version of this album and I should say, it is growing on me. I like the album in general.
+1. I have not come across a bad album from Norah Jones. Have you listened to her "Featuring" album? I think you will like it.
Wow...if it's more boring than Come away with Me then I'm already asleep. 
...just read a great review of Day Breaks in the Art and Music section of this week's "The Week"  (the best magazine of all time). 5 Stars for the record and the mag.
Sound quality is below average - a D rating at best.  Way too much reverberation and very muddy sounding.  Not listenable on a revealing system.  What's up with this?

Content - boring. 

And  Norah Jones is one of my favorite artist.