Tinnitus remedy?

I suffer from Meniere's Disease which includes episodes of tinnitus.  I sometimes use a Widex Zen hearing aid which includes a feature that helps eliminate the episodic ringing in my left ear.  It's an expensive little gadget, but it works. 
My Neurologist suggested some get relief from taking citrus bioflavins. The capsules are readily available in health food stores/groceries. I have been taking 2 a day for about 3 weeks with no discernible result, however.  Of course, avoid loud sounds. I recently got hearing aids. I was told they may alleviate the issue , as one theory of its cause is the brain substituting that noise for the frequency level in the hearing loss. Once again, no discernible result. However, each person's response may be different, so try the bioflavins, and get your ears checked for loss.
I'd avoid the oxytocin without a physician's advise unless you are about ready to deliver a baby.