First Watt F7 owners, impressions?

Let's discuss speaker and preamp pairings you have found to work the best and why. I love this amp but maybe haven't been able to get the best out of it yet. 
  • Preamps: DIY Pass B1- great except for dynamic scale and deep bass, of course with no gain I also had to jack the volume a lot more; Manley Shrimp - better slam, more density, 12db gain helps a lot overall a better match. Want to try: microZOTL, Pass x-1
  • Speakers: Gallo 3.1 - easy to drive though only 88db sensitivity, controlled well by the F7, plenty of tuneful bass, plenty of volume using the Shrimp and impressive soundstage; Devore gibbon 8 - just acquired these and am getting used to them, definitely leaner and less bass but I like the midrange and punch a lot, soundstage is excellent too, and their look and footprint appeals. Want to try: Harbeth monitor, Spatial M4, Zu Soul, all of the speakers Srajan of 6 moons owns!
So far I agree with all the reviews of this amp I've read, their observations coincide with mine. Do you find the same?
I'm interested in hearing about the F7. The input impedance spec of 10kHz makes it hard to find a suitable match with a tube preamp.

Have you compared the F7 with the F6?
I have not, I rely on 6moons for those comparisons. I have had the F4 and Aleph 30, and prefer this to both. The Shrimp preamp I use is a good match, very low output impedance. There are others too but I agree it takes some looking. Worth the effort though! 
I called Reno HiFi regarding the F6, F7 and was told that they probably couldn't drive my Gallo Classico floorstanders (88dB, 4 ohm). How well does the F7 push the bass of your Gallo 3.1's?