Thank you very much for your input Alex. From what I've been studying, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer; that's a manufactured fact, not an opinion.
Although we are all aware of the culture factor, now the economic factor is in play big time; it not only relates to jazz, it relates to everything else.
I know exactly what you mean about clubs half full; this economic thing is world wide, here, the ghetto is third world. I saw those poor people in Cuba, and their teeth looked a lot better than teeth in the ghetto; not pushing anything Frogman, just relaying what I observed on the posts you submitted of poor people singing.
Reality is not something you put a smiling face on, but look at it for what it is, and do what you can to change it, if it's ugly. Not trying to start a different conversation, just looking for some economic facts from honest people, minus propaganda.