Test CD for positioning speakers and subwoofer

Can anyone recommend a good test CD to help position stereo speakers and a subwoofer? Whenever I fix one problem (weak center image, poor integration of the sub, uneven bass), another problem pops up.
I use test CDs to see where speakers roll off mostly for amusement purposes only, as my ears still work as the only truly valuable speaker positioning aids.
Lots of good suggestions above.  If you still can't get things dialed in completely to your satisfaction, or maybe even if you can, I'd recommend finding a way to demo something like the DSpeaker Anti-Mode Dual Core room correction device.  It may yield even further improvements above integrating bass and save you time and headaches.  Best of luck. 
First, ask GIK Acoustics for help. Best products at the lowest prices and great advice.

Once you have taken all their advice, you'll need OmniMic or Room EQ Wizard. The reviewers at Stereophile have been using OmniMic more often, but they don't know what they are looking at yet. :)

Anyway, the Room EQ forums are filled with good advice about sub placment AND EQ.

Look at miniDSP for your subwoofer EQ.

That is all.
