Reclocking device for the Schiit Gungnir?

Is anybody using a reclocking device at the front-end of the Gungnir Multibit DAC? I have about 150 hours of burn-in on my new Schiit using an ARC CDP as transport with an Oyaide BNC coax cable (also using a Mogami coax).
The imaging and dynamics have really opened up and are outstanding, but it is still presenting a digital edge to the sound. I am comparing this to my previous DAC (Chord QuteEX) which sounded so much like analogue. Is this a case of needing more burn-in time or will adding a reclocker to my transport help the performance?

I would appreciate any comments from those who have a Schiit Multibit. As you know, there is only a 15 day limit to demo this unit.
Sorry, using a microRendu to feed my Gumby. Definitely haven't heard any digital edge, and I did direct A/B test here vs. Chord Hugo before deciding on Gungnir MB. 
Do you have access to a different transport to try or cable that isn't coax? Do you have access to computer audio server etc.? Maybe it's just a synergy thing with your CDP. 
150 hours should be plenty of burn-in. Cheers,
What are your speakers?

The Schiits don't have an edge like that, but several speaker brands have a rising top couple of octaves that will no longer seem balanced.

Thiel, B&W, Golden Ear, Triangle among them.


Also, Schiit has some of the best jitter control in the industry, a re-clocker is not what you need.