McCormack DNA-750 good?

Thoughts? where to find a review? Considered a top tier amplifier?
Any info is appreciated, there is not much in google land as far as reviews, or much of anything.
had these amps about a year now, I'm still impressed! with them.
best amps I've ever heard.  Energy rc-70's fully broken in and sound stunning, very rich, full detailed sound, absolutely no harsh, shrill highs at all, I'm in love!!!! Every note is full of soul, heart, flawless presentation to my ears.
 Also spoke with dan Babineau a couple more times, turns out these amps were his, and he did the all Teflon upgrades, as well as hybrid Teflon caps in the output something or other, he said they are probably not broken in yet, he recommended several hundred hours, as far as the amps use before I had them, there wasn't much, as the couple that bought them, were going through a separation, and the use was almost none. I'm happy!!!! So happy, an essiantally new pair for DNA 750's. Give or take a hundred or so hours on the new capacitors etc etc. 
  sigh, I can now relax with my amazing sound system, and know I have the very best.  The amps are just amazing! Would not trade them for anything, and I do plan on McCormack upgrading them n another 15 years, if they still do them down the road. 

Im happy

anyone wanna buy emotiva xpa-1 mono-blocks? Less than 300 hours, generous guesstimate. 
First gen limited edition ones. Post for info or contact me. 
They are flawless!


Funny because I had replied to a post and sent an email about my experience with Odyssey
a long time ago. I had shared my overall dissatisfaction with the quality and service and after that went with McCormack gear. It was a big upgrade but I think at the time you were amped up with getting Klaus gear.
That being said, I had better luck with McCormack stuff and later with Parasound amps which I own now.
I think Parasound is where I will stay, since i get ZERO background noise and Curl provides great value considering his talent.
Happy Listening....