Help me with the upgrade path

Over the last 12 months, I spent some significant (at least for me) dough on new speakers (Bowers and Wilkins CM10), amplifier (Parasound A21), and Digital Preamp + DAC (Cambridge Audio Azure 851D). I find myself listening mostly to digital content (CDs converted to digital via iTunes or Tidal --> Apple TV --> Azure DAC). I had been planning to upgrade the other components in the chain but wanted to let the $$$ shock sink in before splurging further.

So this year I’m allowing myself just one more upgrade for at least another year. Given the fact that I am using Apple TV, which is not considered the best choice for music, and non-expensive Audioquest speaker wires (I think I paid around $75 for an 8-foot pair), I wonder where I should put my money.

1. Replace Apple TV? I like the Bluesound Node 2 which sells for about $499

2. Better speaker wires? Leaning toward Clear Day Shotguns

3. Better power cords for the amplifier and DAC? No idea which ones would be a good fit for the A21

I understand that there are too many varying factors in determining the best upgrade, and too many system dependent variables, etc. -- but still some feedback would be great.
@auxinput - thanks for the Oppo suggestion. I never thought of that before. I need to do some further research to see how it stacks up against Bluesound. If the sound quality is the same, then it's tempting to score a great blue ray player at the same time.
@hifiman5  My components are placed on a regular TV console (glass surface). Do you think taking care of this situation will lead to better results than, say swapping out the speaker wires with something better?

My dilemma is that I'm trying to make just one purchase for at least 12 months and want to make sure I get the biggest improvement out of all the other possibilities.

@erik_squires  I completely agree with you on this one. And usually this is the first (and best) piece of advise I always get. Unfortunately, my audio room is also the main living room, so I'm severely constrained in this aspect of my setup - furniture, WAF, wood floor, cats ... did I say WAF? lol!

I wish I could have a dedicated room where I can indulge in room treatments, but until then my choices are kind of limited.

However, having said that, I'd like to know if there are any inexpensive, inconspicuous treatments that I might consider? I can't do rugs - either on the floor or walls. Also I cannot move the furniture around much.