Vitus Sia-025 Power Cable Recommendations

Dear all. Just wondering whether I could get some friendly advice. I have been using an old acrolink4030 to power the sia-025 for the longest time, but recently decided to try something different. That was when I realised that the amp is actually really sensitive to cable changes. I have tried the Shunyata ZiTron Anacoda, ByBee Power Cables, High Fidelity CT1 Reference and several others, with the ByBee being my favourite so far. Does anyone else out there have any suggestions on some other cables I could try? 

Stealth V12 amp version is a sound choice not cheap though whatever you get enjoy.

Don't waste your $$ on Shunyata - The Cerious Tech cables are better and alot cheaper.  Cannot beat them at any price (I haven't heard the CPT cords yet)
The Jorma Prime pc upgraded with cryo'd Oyaide M1/F1 connectors is great value imho & works well on the SIA-025. I also admire Stage III concepts who have a new range of pc's coming out in 2017. I have not found a better pc on front end components for my tastes