Need advice on what to look for in a turntable - budget $6K to $10K

I am getting into this hobby and am now focused on a proper turntable to support my new amp and speakers (Voxative 211 Integrated and 9.87 speakers).  I also bought a new Parasound JC3+ phono stage.  While at RMAF this year I did listen to the Fern & Roby turntable and was very impressed.  It sounded awesome with the Voxativ equipment.  That being said, it would be $8K+ and I thought I should learn a little more about what to look for in a turntable and ask the community for alternatives.  Thank you in advance.
Hi Raul,

Yes, I agree, it seems few cartridges are designed specifically for SUTs these days (with the Benz Ebony TR a notable exception). So if one is bound, like I am with the Allnic phono, to using SUTs, all one can do is look for carts with DCR and output specs that don’t scream incompatibility. The Proteus seems to be one, on paper, that would work. The Purple Heart seems like it would not--but the proof is in the listening. Of course, adding the Allnic head amp, as theothergreg has done with his Purple Heart, eliminates the issue.

Thanks for the kind words, Raul.

Mike ... can you send me an e-mail through my contact page ( 

I didn't get your e-mail address when we spoke, and I have a couple of questions I'd like to run down with you in order to set up a demo that's  relevant to your current system.

Thom @ Galibier Design

I can tell you that in my experience, the 30x has plenty of gain for the Proteus...I had run the Purple Heart at 15x and it was just fine......

I put wrong video link in prior post, here's the one with the Proteus on same table:

As I’ve said, I feel the Proteus to be a significant step up over the Purple Heart, but with another stepup/phono pre the results could be different....


Hanss T-60 if you can find a good deal or the Hanss T-30. I have had my T-60 for 6 years now with no problems, sounds great, capable of 2 tonearms. You better have a good back and a buddy to help you since the platter is 44 lbs and the table is close to 150 lbs. 3 of the Absolute Sound reviews of the Newport show this year rated the Cost No Object room  the Lotus Group room that used the Hanss T-60 as the source. IMO, this competes with tables many times it's price.
I'll be the first to admit--I only have hands-on experience with a few turntables, and I've directly heard several more including SMEs, an AMG, Ayre/DPS, and a few others.

But based on what I've read, I'd give a serious look at the Merrill-Williams R.E.A.L. 101.2 turntable. It starts at $6400 w/o tonearm, but when you add an armboard and tonearm plus record weight and perimeter ring, you can hit $10K. So it spans your entire budget range depending on how you trick it out.

When the first version came out (around 2007) it was a Stereophile Class A turntable. That's quite an accomplishment considering what Class A turntables typically run. Reviews extol this turntable's low noise floor, linearity, exceptional speed consistency, and leading edge transients, not usually the strongest points for many belt drive turntables. 

I'm not saying to buy it, but it it were me, I wouldn't commit the cash until I checked one out. Looks really promising.