Vandersteen 1Ci, Tekton Lore Reference, or Fritzspeaks Grove for a small room

I have not had the time to devote to listening to my system for a few years... Now that I am retired, I want to set up a system in a small room (12 X 14).  I am leaning toward small floorstanders so I don't have to mess with stands.  I am considering the Vandersteen 1Ci and the Tekton Lore Reference--but I see that the Fritz Grove is on special for $800, so they are also under consideration.  My amp is a Cayin A50T EL 34 tube integrated.  The nearest Vandersteen dealer is a couple of hours from my house, so I am able to listen to them.  I sent an inquiry to Tekton over a week ago, and have not heard back--I had the same problem lack of communication with them several years ago, when inquiring about the original Lores.  On the other hand, I have talked with Fritz several times in the past, and he goes out of his way to discuss his products.  At one time I did demo one of his older products, a MTM design.  I am hesitant to contact him yet about the Groves, until I am reasonably sure I would purchase them--He is so accommodating, that I feel guilty if I don't purchase something! 

At at any rate, I am looking for something that would work well in my small (basement) room, that has a reasonably wide sweet spot (two or three seats).  Thanks in advance for all input!

Ag insider logo xs@2xpretender
Though I haven't heard the Vandy 1's (I own the 3a sigs), I would not be surprised that they sound as good as hifiman says. 
To add a little grist to the mill, instead of Tekton, I would ask that you consider Zu Audio. 
I have a pair of Omen Bookshelf speakers for my office and find them very listenable. If you buy direct, you also have money back a trial period.
The Omen's also come in a floor standing model.

As far as not contacting Fritz, I would say do not be shy. 
A good manufacturer will not be put off by an interested client.

I bought my Vandy's used privately, but when I contacted Vandersteen regarding an issue, Mr. Vandersteen called me back, spent time diagnosing a problem, and even called back to see if it had been rectified. Now that is customer service!
And, though you hate to be a 'tire kicker', a good manufacturer understands that you have questions, and since they love what they do, will be willing to provide answers.
Thanks for all of the responses so far! As of now, I am heavily leaning toward the Vandersteens.  Regarding the Groves, I realize that they are stand mounted, but I seem to recall that they originally sold for $1600, and now he is advertising them for $800--which is a heck of a deal, in addition to the almost universal praise that he and his products receive. Speaking of stand mounted, if I came across a used pair of Reynaud Twins, I would snatch them up--I had a pair years ago in a secondary system I had at the time. For the money ($700) they are one of my favorites--I sold them to a friend, and he still has them (and won't give them up). 
I have not heard any Tekton or Fritz loudspeakers. I do own the Vandersteen 2CE Sig II and I think they sound very good for the price. I have found by listening many hours to these speakers that keeping them far apart and keeping 18inches to two feet to the back and side walls really allow them to shine. Placement is very crucial to the sound with the tilt and toe in.
I had both Vandersteen 2ce sigs and Tekton Pendragons.  It was no contest, kept my Vandersteens and returned the Pendragons to the manufacturer.  That was a couple of years ago, since then I moved on to Golden Ear Triton Ones and Twos (2 separate systems).  The Vandersteen speakers are the kind of speakers you can listen to for hours on end without listener fatigue.  The Tekrton Pendragons  were a very large and imposing speaker with very anemic bass in my room.  The Vandersteens in that same room and same spot had tons of very articulate bass, the Pendragons sounded like the woofers weren't connected.  Beware of trials in your home as that is what I did with the Pendragons and when I returned them, it cost me 295.00 via FedEx.  Never again.
We now have Fritz Grove Speakers... they are excellent. We have owned the Vandy's too(1B, and 2Ce) They are quite nice too. Both the 1Ci and Grove will offer plenty of extension with quite a bit of resolution. It would be hard to go wrong with either of them. The Vandy's have a lighter more articulate sound. The Fritz will shine with a slightly warmer presentation but can be just as engaging in a smaller room. Excellent choice from either IMHO. Even at full price on both speakers, I feel they more than justify purchase at at double or more of their asking price. Excellent companies and excellent people.