@pretender Hi Pretender.... I have sat in front of a few of the Tekton speakers... to be fair, I haven't sat in front of the Lore Reference, but I have listened to the Lore and Lore S... Even though these speakers do some things well, I would not consider them in the league of the Vandersteen or the Fritz....
Now to be more clear... I haven't sat in front of the Grove, but I have purchased 16 of the woofers used in these speakers and am very versed in speaker and crossover design and can tell you that this will be a very satisfying speaker. One of my current speakers is an MTM using this woofer and a Scanspeak tweeter.... Vandersteen... the 1Ci is a high value speaker. You did comment that you wanted a floor standing speaker, if this is the case, as long as your amp will competently drive the Vandersteens, They would be the way to go. Another thing is that the Vandersteens are 8 ohm 90db sensitivity with no crazy phase angles, they won't mind tubes at all. The Fritz use a HiVi D6.8 woofer, which even though HiVi spec's them at 87db sensitivity, I can tell you by experience that they measure 84. I have to assume that they were figuring a finished speaker and an in room response.
So with these 3 choices, for me it would be a no brainer going with the 1Ci. I hope this helps, Tim
Now to be more clear... I haven't sat in front of the Grove, but I have purchased 16 of the woofers used in these speakers and am very versed in speaker and crossover design and can tell you that this will be a very satisfying speaker. One of my current speakers is an MTM using this woofer and a Scanspeak tweeter.... Vandersteen... the 1Ci is a high value speaker. You did comment that you wanted a floor standing speaker, if this is the case, as long as your amp will competently drive the Vandersteens, They would be the way to go. Another thing is that the Vandersteens are 8 ohm 90db sensitivity with no crazy phase angles, they won't mind tubes at all. The Fritz use a HiVi D6.8 woofer, which even though HiVi spec's them at 87db sensitivity, I can tell you by experience that they measure 84. I have to assume that they were figuring a finished speaker and an in room response.
So with these 3 choices, for me it would be a no brainer going with the 1Ci. I hope this helps, Tim