The dumbest stereo experience ever!

Hello all. I went through a divorce 20 years ago. I really needed to convert some equipment into cash. I sold amongst other things my prized Sony TC 880-2 open reel recorder. I had a lengthy conversation with the buyer typical of us lovers of gear. I told him my situation and he said he would sell it back to me when I got back on my feet down the road. OK, fair enough. I lost track of him as this was pre Audiogon. I managed to locate him five years later. Someone informed me that he had 125 open reel decks and his wife wouldn't let him buy any more. (terrible woman!) I got him on the phone and after another lengthy chat I asked him if I could buy it back. He didn't want to sell it back as he said he didn't even have time to play with it yet. OK, I thought; I'm a horse trader. SURELY I have some bargaining power. I have many studio open reel tapes. I could trade him some of them plus cash in exchange for the Sony back. I asked him what kind of music he listened to. Here is what he said "Oh, I don't listen to music. I just like to watch the reels go around". I was dumbfounded. I told him to have a nice day and I hung up the phone. Can anyone top this one? Joe
13,885 posts
11-03-2016 12:14pm
You're welcome.

Just curious, Moops, did use the engineer's side of your brain to come up with that witty response? 

Have a nice day

I just got placed two wheel barrel's full of magic pebbles on my listening room floor . WOW . Every superlative the hifi world knows is how i describe the change . Makes it hard to walk in the room , but worth it .
I just got placed two wheel barrel's full of magic pebbles on my listening room floor . WOW . Every superlative the hifi world knows is how i describe the change . Makes it hard to walk in the room , but worth it .
You should have gotten some of those things you stick on the windows instead.
...and the narrative begins to drift off into the surreal....magic pebbles, indeed.   Sounds likes rocks gleaned from the craniums of the cadavers of believers in ultrasonic insect repellers and copper woven into underwear.  But hey...if you've got a good remote that'll control everything and a catwalk to the 'sweet spot' Barcalounger, more amps to ya'. ;)

Hey, maps...*thumbs up*  My sword is at your disposal, and I will have your back. *offered 'fist bump'*