Help Choosing Speakers

I am looking to find a nice pair of speakers that will work well in a relatively small dedicated listening room. My setup is 100% analog, tube amp, turntable, phono pre. I am trying to keep a minimalist approach.

Turntable: Thorens TD-150
Phono Pre: AudioResearch PH3
Amp: Decware MiniTorii
Speakers: DIY MarkAudio A12P in SuperPensil

Room Dimensions: 11' W x 12' 4" L x 10' H

So far I have been looking around at a lot of options and while I don't want to limit myself to 94 dB+ efficient speakers. I would like to be able to keep my Decware MiniTorii in place if possible.

LegacyAudio Signature SE is top on my list, little bit more than I wanted to spend, but this is a lifetime purchase. I have also looked at SalkSound Veracity ST but I am concerned about the Decware amps being able to push those. I have also looked at the Decware HR-1s which look impressive.

Of course its difficult to buy speakers without hearing them, any other recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone has heard the Legacy Audio Signatures with a Decware amplifier and has any details, that would be spectacular.



@bcgator you are correct about the Triton One's having ten drivers (4 passive). However, (a) better to have too big than too little where speakers are concerned IMO and (b) the Triton's (all powered models) have a bass control. One can dial down (or up) the bass as much as 7.5 db (relative to flat position). Also, instead of the T1, a T3+ would work very nicely. 
Tekton Designs
Devore Fidelity
Coincident Speaker Technologies
Proac (Tablette 10)
Omega and Outlaw speakers  (both have 2 way designs)
Spatial ?

Whatever you get consider using corner placement in a small room like that. 
Mapman has a good point about corner placement and if that's the case look at AudioNote AN line they can be really good and excel in the corners. + one of the Proac speakers probable go bigger then the tablet though, wasn't too impressed with the Devore Fidelity Gibbon 8 heard them next to some Dyna audio 3 ways and the Dyas smoked them. I settled on some Living Voice Avatar 2 they are 94db and are very musical.
Look for speakers with a sensitivity of 95+db and impedence which match the impedence of the output of the Torii.  

Your best answer is to call Steve Deckert and ask him directly - I'm sure he'll tell you which speakers will mate best with any of his amps.