Looking for preamp recommendations to go with First Watt J2 - Under $1K on used market

My system is: 

First Watt J2 Amp
Passive preamp (DIY but good quality - Goldpoint dual mono attenuators, Cardas connectors, silver wire, etc.)
VPI Classic 1 (JMW 10 arm) w/ Ortofon Rondo Blue and Denon DL-301 MkII
Coph Nia MC phono preamp (60dB gain)
Jolida Glass FX DAC
Yamaha CDP
Klipsch Cornwall speakers
Kimber speaker wires
DIY Belden 4312 interconnects

I love the transparency of the passive preamp, but I am investigating the possibility of adding a little more gain into the system with an active preamp.  I listen to vinyl 99% of the time, and I find myself pushing the limits of the J2 with the passive.  Before I think about replacing my phono preamp section, I thought I might give the active preamp route a go.  
The J2 has an input sensitivity of 1000kohm.  I'd like a pre that has a MM phono section, since the Coph Nia does not.  That would give me the ability to use a SUT at some point if I wanted to.  But it's not a necessity.

Suggestions/recommendations are appreciated, especially if you are currently using the J2 as well.  I want to make sure there is a good match between the J2 and whichever preamp I go with.  And I definitely have no problem buying off the used market to maximize my available audio funds!  To be clear, I have been using a passive pre for a long time, so I'm not really all that savvy about active preamps.  


My Manley Shrimp ($1000 used) is a good match for my First Watt F7, but I would love to try a Linear Tube Audio microZOTL 2.0 as a linestage ($1100 new) as many have given it high praise for its tonal character and flexibility.

Build the tubes4hifi SP14 kit at under $1000 and get something to compete with those $7000 tube wonders.  Totally killer.


For a modest amount more, they'll build it for you.  
I am going to second the excellent advice of the above poster and head you in the direction of an SP14, which uses 6SN7 octal tubes in its gain stage.  It will be a bargain if you can build it yourself.  I have a long term relationship with Don Sachs, who has taken the excellent SP14 and upgraded it with better volume pots, caps and other tweaks, and this version of the preamp, which cost about $1600-$1800, is the heart of my system.  Insanely fine for the price, the pinnacle of preamps I have had for 45 years in my system.    

Don's preamp recently compared favorable with my my audio friend's $10K ARC tube preamp in a comparison. I also have a stock SP14 with a  Clarity cap upgrade, I would say that the stock SP14 is outstanding in every way, but Don's preamp is 50% better.   I personally am of the opinion that a Don Sachs preamp and a great SS amp is your pathway to audio nirvana.  I recently got a McCormack DNA .05 ss amp and with Don's preamp and my Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Turbo S speakers, I have never been so happy with the sound of my system.  Good luck