Building second system around Harbeth P3 esr

I bought the P3's a couple of months ago. I should have some cash soon to go forward with this system. My thoughts are the Croft Phono Integrated. Please share your thoughts on not only the amp choice, but what this systems strengths might be. I just want to listen at low to moderate levels, and be engaged. I wish they were more efficient, which is why I'm thinking Croft, which has a tubed stage, and SS amp.

I have now had my office system set up and running for 3 weeks.  The P3ESRs do put out plenty of full spectrum sound, more than I expected from a mini-monitor.  The Rega gear has matched rather well with the Harbeths (Brits love Brits).  People who stop by to chat about projects now seem to stay a bit longer to enjoy the background music.  I always tell them, when they ask "why?", that music soothes this angry soul due to the short time frames I am constantly given on a daily basis.  I have my P3ESRs on small desktop stands (Iso-Acoustics) to isolate them.  Now when I have to work on weekends the music I can play at my listening level helps to make the day flow by effortlessly.  The Rega Brio-R has a nice phonostage onboard, also (MM or HO MC).

A lot of good suggestions as to partnering gear above. I will say this, the Croft/Harbeth is a fine combination, have listened to the P3's with Croft off and on and like the combination, very much to like there.

I currently use the Croft Micro 25 pre and Series 7 amp with Larsen 4 and Shahinian Larc speakers, certainly a different take than the Harbeth, but each have their own strengths.

As to cartridge, have read/heard Croft owners enjoying the Nagaoka's with their systems. I have an MP110 waiting for a turntable purchase at some point, will see how that part goes at some point.

In the meantime, enjoy your demo, trust your ears!

Thanks so much for the response frazeur1.  My dealer also carries Nagaoka, and mentioned setting up a  Nagaoka w/ Croft for a customer. He did say this was very good. For now I will run my Tsd-15/ A23 SUT/ Amadeus table. This combo may ruin me, because it is pretty darned good. But it's a borrow from my main system, and is currently my only source for the Croft audition. Nagaoka is first on my list, assuming I keep the Croft. (-:
I have the P3 as well as the 40.1. I have found that he least expensive Naim integrateds work extremely well with Harbeth, along with Plinius electronics