Scratchy pops coming from the left channel when I turn up the volume why?

I have a Counterpoint 3A preamp that I am getting this scratchy popping noise coming from only one channel (left) when I turn up the volume. I took off the faceplate and sprayed the volume pot with contact cleaner but it still there. I am surprised that with the volume that it not both channels? Any help would be appreciated.
Hmmm.  If we make the pretty reasonable assumption that the volume control is a dual gang pot, I'd still guess dirty contacts.  Have you tried (with the power off) turning the volume up and down vigorously a few times?  In the past, I've had components that had pots with silver contacts and now and then you'd have to work the oxidation off.   
I tried again but this time I sprayed the shaft that turns and I don't here the pops anymore:) Its funny but since spraying it the volume knob feels a little stiff. Well
I am happy the popping is gone Thanks.