Daedalus Athena

Hi I have been shopping for speakers and Daedalus Athena got my attention recently. I've never auditioned Daedalus speakers before and wonder how they sound? I saw quite a few posts on this forum that compared Daedalus and Devore. How would you compare the sound of Daedalus Athena with the other non high-efficiency speakers (used) in the same price range? 

charles1dad5,137 posts11-07-2016 11:53pmHello Melbguy1,
I’ve heard the Magico in a audio dealer showroom and CES x4, RMAF x1 and Axpona. I’ve listened to the Q 3, Q 5 and the Q7 as well as the S1, S3 and S5. The S5 driven by the Absolare Passion Signature amplifier was the best sounding Magico demonstration I’ve heard. I didn’t care for the Q models driven by the Soulution amplifiers. In fact the Q range was better when paired with the Constellation amplifiers.

I don’t doubt what you say and I’ll concede that you have more intimate experience with Magico than I. I can only report on what I’ve actually heard. I feel the Q series is more analytical in character than their S series. No question that electronics, cabling and acoustic room treatment can certainly impact the end result to some extent.
I wasn’t particularly engaged by the Q3 either which was too clean and lacking soul, though I liked the Q1.And atleast Soulution’s old series were absolutely emblematic of the same kind of sound (ie: a poor match with the Q series imho), though the latest 5 & 7 series are supposed to be more musical.

The Magico S5 Mk2 is definitely a big improvement over the Mk1, and a much more complete speaker. Like all Magico speakers, they need some warmth and tube-like liquidity in the chain, and excellent attention to detail from grounding/conditioning to amps, isolation, cables & front end. Everything matters. But the reward should be worth it!
If I were to go Magico the S5 MK II would be my choice and tailor a system around it as melbguy1 describes. Of the speakers discussed success can be achieved with each.

I’d take the Daedalus and match it with a top tier moderate power SET or class A push pull tube amplifier, all out quality of watts over quantity. That’s me, other pathways could be equally  sucessful for sure.

 I am not a fan of Magico either, too dry and analytical for my tastes, though I can see the attraction.

 Daedalus work with SS and Tubes. The company has always, as far as I know, Demo'd the speakers with Modwright SS Power Amps, at Shows. I personally prefer the sound with Tubes, in particular my ARC REf 75SE, but each to their own.

I’m a horn guy, but needed a box speaker for demoing my Galibier products. Most folks get disoriented when presented with a horn system and I needed to address this. After hearing my customer’s (jazzdoc) Ulysses, I began to explore them further.

The Daedalus speakers in general will pass the amplifier’s sonic signature through. My auditions with solid state and hybrid amps were uninspiring and I was about to strike them off my list, but suspected it was the amplification. I finally plugged in some competent vaccum tube amps and was sold.

The Athenas are a bit less sensitive than the Ulysses and you could get by with the right 300B amp if this were your leaning. I’d say 20 watts (or my NiWatt amp) would be playing it safely.

The flip side is that the Athenas will handle 150 watts of solid state as well - as witnessed by an after hours session we held in Newport a few years ago. Someone asked how realistically they’d reproduce The Who. I put in my musicians earplugs and we let ’er rip. He was impressed.

While I’d also say that the Ulysses have a BBC/Harbeth thing going, the Athenas are a bit more US sounding - a tighter, punchier bass. Family resemblance, but with differences.

When presented with an option, I’ll always opt for the higher efficiency speaker. It’s more than about amplifier power. Lower sensitivity loudspeakers by definition, lose more energy (heating the voice coil). This in turn results in compression - irrespective of amplifier power.

Lastly, you'll find Daedalus owners are not gear swappers.  They've been through the process and once they arrive at Daedalus, they consider themselves done.  The only reason I'd ever sell my Daedalus' would be to return to my first love (horns) - certainly not for any other box loudspeakers.

Thom @ Galibier Design
david121,321 posts11-12-2016 12:58am

I am not a fan of Magico either, too dry and analytical for my tastes, though I can see the attraction.

Daedalus work with SS and Tubes. The company has always, as far as I know, Demo’d the speakers with Modwright SS Power Amps, at Shows. I personally prefer the sound with Tubes, in particular my ARC REf 75SE, but each to their own.

I’ve heard Daedalus Athena V2 speakers with Zesto valve amps & thought they sounded natural and smooth, though I personally prefer my S5 Mk2’s which are just more involving and engaging, and give me more insight into the music. The S series is a bit more laid back in presentation, warmer & fuller sounding than the old Q series, though the S1 & S5 Mk2 are a bit more neutral than the Mk1 models. Paired with Vitus, Pass Labs, Absolare or Pass IQ amps & smooth, liquid sounding cables like Jorma, you can definitely get a more natural, liquid & relaxed sound which is easy to listen to.