Integrated Amplifier for Monitor Audio Silver S2 Speakers

Hello to everyone.
I have very modest system and just recently I purchased Monitor Audio Silver S2 speakers.
So far I am using NAD C356, lots of bass but of course not so much details. My room is 17'x13'x9'.
I am listening everything, from uptempo jazz to old disco music. My budget is $2000-$2500.
Thanks in advance on your opinions
My good friend just recently bought Accuphase E-370 and he was kind
enough to bring an Amplifier just to hear the difference. 
Of course, I shouldn't to this because I cannot afford such amplifier but the sound was.........what to say, tight controlled bass, beautiful highs and details that I could tell where is which instrument. He also suggested Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum amplifier but as I mentioned in posting, I would like to stay from tube amplifiers.
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If you are willing to buy used there is a BAT 300x se on here at the top of your price range (no relation to seller) and would allow you to build a great system around as funds allow for future upgrades.

If you prefer to buy new look at the Vincent sv 237, I had one and it is spectacular. Also check out the new amps from Peachtree.

Big +1 to bcgator’s comments. Suggest you read his post again to help you achieve what you are looking for

Your MA’s are very nice speakers but hardly accurate and a new integrated, especially one 2 to 3 times more expensive, isn’t going to change they way they sound. It will just result in having way too much amp for the speakers you have and an unbalanced system.

No other component will determine the way a system sounds than speakers. And the room they are in. And it sounds like these may not be the speakers for you.

Was the audition with the Accuphase in your listening room or his?