She received her masters of Geophysical Engineering almost 40 years ago.
She has authored and presented 14 papers on different aspects of interpretation and understanding compressional waves to the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) International meetings, European Association of Exploration Geophysicists (EAEG) meetings, Australian Association of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) meetings, SEG Summer Research Workshop and to SEG chapter meetings. Many of these papers were invited and some were awarded best paper. In addition, she taught a three-day course on seismic interpretation requested by the SEG. She has also worked as a Geotechnical Engineer in the housing industry.
Recently she discovered the largest ever deposit of helium gas in North America ..well except for you, Your Highness.
Have a wonderful day, Tom
There’s really no need to call me Your Highness, although it does have a nice ring to it.
I guess you might have been taking your nap when I pointed out on this thread much to Mapman’s dismay that trying to win an argument by bringing up credentials is nothing more than everyone’s favorite logical fallacy, the Appeal to Authority. Didn’t you consult with your seismologist that p wave and s waves have nothing at all to do with the Earth crust motion I’ve been referring to? You know, the things you’ve been ranting about incoherently for the past month. LOL
The funniest comment today by far, when you quoted fhe seismologist who saw your video of the martini glass with no sloshing around, "That’s what I would expect from your products." Please, spare me! Did you explain to her you’ve been ignoring seismic vibration for thirty years? LOL
I've discovered the largest deposit of natural gas in North America. It's right here on this thread!
have a nice day