Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Mapman, you, yourself, are a true gentleman!  I don't frequent Audiogon as much as I did perhaps a year ago, but I've always enjoyed and benefited from your posts.  Cheers back at you.
One of the things I have enjoyed throughout this very lengthy thread, is that there may be differing opinions on the sound, the quality of build, many things in general about Ohm, but it seems to stay very civil. In this day and age of folks hiding behind the almighty computer, this is nice. It is good to hear differing opinions, yet not get smacked for it! The knowledge base in this thread has been very good, and very helpful for many I would say! 

I have SF Cremonas with a Pathos amplifier and CDP player in my living room.  It looks great and sounds very nice.  I have my Ohms, subs, and ugly black boxes in my listening room.  Doesn't look nearly as nice, but sounds a helluva lot better (to my ear, anyway).  Different tools for different jobs.
If I had ugly black boxes in my listening room I'd have to keep my eyes shut!  :)

Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, butter pecan....

ps: FWIW, my 2000s continued to break in for about 6 months, although I cannot tell you exectly how many hours that was.  "Strident" is the last thing that I would call my 2000s.  I don't doubt what your wife was hearing, but it seems odd to me.  I do think that if there is any range in which the 2000s miss a step, it is in the 7-8kHz range where the tweeter kicks in.  I would say that this range is at least as good as many competing speakers in that range, although perhaps no better.

martykl:  Long Live the Man Cave!  Stacks of black boxes with lights, ugly racks, wires everywhere and my 2000s.  All in the basement where nobody cares what it looks like, only what it sounds like!

frazuer1:  Totally agree with you about this thread.

Mapman:  Exactly.  Your post took the words out of my mouth (or the keystrokes out of my hands).