Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

"ps: Out of curiousity, how long did you audition he Ohms? What about the sound prevented you from "falling in love"? TIA."

Hi bondmanp:

About 175 hours.  During break-in I would play them at about 75 -85 db and leave the house while I ran errands.

My wife is blessed with an extraordinary pair of ears- I'm envious.  She could not listen to the speakers,  even at low volumes.  She found them strident.  She did not pressure me to return them but was happy when I did.  I also realized that as much as I thought I'd like the soundstage that OHMs produce, I really did not, preferring more  precise imaging (some might say this is "musically artificial").  My Sonus Fabers give me that. 

Perhaps I'm being too critical with regard to fit and finish-  but I could not get past the appearance of the veneer on the OHMs. A career as an advertising photographer can do some funny things to a person.  :)

The rest of the speaker was solid.  

As I said, I'm pretty sure I "get" what Mr. Strohbeehn is doing, and I have enormous respect for his abilities as an engineer.  He was a complete gentleman when I told him that the 2000's simply were not for us and he approved the return.  I do not in any way intend to disparage his company nor his products.  If I have done so, I regret that

RE: Sonus Faber, I come from very blue, blue collar roots and my drug of choice is still beer, but in some things I have expensive taste.  I purchased both pairs of my SF monitors used.  Part of the enjoyment I derive from Sonus Faber is visual.  

ps I’ve heard Sonus faber and often considered owning a pair for much the same reason. I find the tonality of SF and OHM when done well to be somewhat similar.

I have a pair of Dynaudio Contour monitors I run as well. Has the Danish rather than Italian aesthetic but I consider them to be a gold standard of good hifi sound for their size and also with excellent build quality like good Sonus Faber. I acquired them prior to my current OHMs to see if I could settle on a smaller monitor. If the bass extension was just a tad better, and the overall presentation just a bit more lifelike to me, it might have happened.

Who doesn’t like beautifully crafted things? Still always different strokes.... Cheers and Good Listening!
Mapman, you, yourself, are a true gentleman!  I don't frequent Audiogon as much as I did perhaps a year ago, but I've always enjoyed and benefited from your posts.  Cheers back at you.
One of the things I have enjoyed throughout this very lengthy thread, is that there may be differing opinions on the sound, the quality of build, many things in general about Ohm, but it seems to stay very civil. In this day and age of folks hiding behind the almighty computer, this is nice. It is good to hear differing opinions, yet not get smacked for it! The knowledge base in this thread has been very good, and very helpful for many I would say! 

I have SF Cremonas with a Pathos amplifier and CDP player in my living room.  It looks great and sounds very nice.  I have my Ohms, subs, and ugly black boxes in my listening room.  Doesn't look nearly as nice, but sounds a helluva lot better (to my ear, anyway).  Different tools for different jobs.