Al and mb1 audio raised legitimate caution in regard to gain and sensitivity issues and the possibility of excessive noise. It is reassuring to know that you heard a LM amplifier driving very sensitive (104 db) La Scalas with such a fine listening outcome. The Stereophile measurements cited by Al would raise reasonable doubt regarding compatability. Your direct listening experience seems to have resolved that concern, assuming that the LM amplifiers measure similarly. Nothing beats actually listening to a component/speaker. I believe that you’re headed towards sucess. Your recent experience is consistent with what others have reported when using high sensitivity speakers.
Al and mb1 audio raised legitimate caution in regard to gain and sensitivity issues and the possibility of excessive noise. It is reassuring to know that you heard a LM amplifier driving very sensitive (104 db) La Scalas with such a fine listening outcome. The Stereophile measurements cited by Al would raise reasonable doubt regarding compatability. Your direct listening experience seems to have resolved that concern, assuming that the LM amplifiers measure similarly. Nothing beats actually listening to a component/speaker. I believe that you’re headed towards sucess. Your recent experience is consistent with what others have reported when using high sensitivity speakers.