SET amp comparable to First Watt SIT 1?

I’m currently planning to change my speakers to high efficiency horn from modern high end speakers (B&W). The speakers would be Volti horn speakers.

For amp, A friend of mine has First Watt SIT-1, which sounds great to my ears, but I have always been interested in tube SET, especially 300B. The problem is there are too many choices around, and I have read several online reviewers stated that 300B amps don’t sound as good as First Watt SIT 1, except extremely expensive ones with NOS WE300B.

Any suggestions?

My budget is around 7-15K. I don’t mind second hand ones, but I wish I could compare it with my friend’s SIT 1 before I decide to take it or not, so second hand unit is probably not an option.
I owned the Audiopax 88 before I fully committed to Audion SET and PSET in my systems. The 88 is a beautiful sounding amp, though it is hardest to get deep bass to sound right. If you have speakers that have nothing usable below 40Hz or so, this isn't any problem.

The main contemporary problem with going Audiopax 88 is the sound quality of current production KT88 tubes. I was fortunate at the time to have an ample quantity of NOS British Gold Lion (Genelex) KT88s, as well as 1990s KR KT88s, ultra-screened from the old Tesla Vrovosic factory and relabeled KR. Both seriously improved the sound of the Apax 88 compared with any Russian production tetrodes. I let the Apaxes hang around awhile and pulled them out from time to time to try new tubes. They were pretty good with the Shuguang Treasure KT88, but still not up to NOS sonics.

So, that's what you have to consider going that route. Look at the price of remaining NOS Genelex/Gold Lion KT88s from the 1960s/70s or KRs from the 1990s, before making that commitment.

Hello Phil,
I'm inclined to believe my EMLs were from a better batch than yours based on your comments.  I've alternated between my Takatsuki and EML XLS the past few years.  In my amplifier the EML have been simply stellar,  workhorse reliable and as quiet as any 300b I've used. There were subtle distinctions between the the KR and EML with the latter a bit more vibrant, open, alive and engaging. I certainly trust your judgement and listening impressions,  but again different set of ears,amplifier, system and room environment. IMO both are top tier choices. 

I was actually suggesting you talk with the builder of  the  Volti and see what he may suggest in terms of Your room and musical tastes. I'm sure that he would provide worthwhile insight regarding his two speakers and your objectives.
You may have already considered a Line Magnetic  product, if not here is a couple for your consideration.
There are many reviews on line, that you should be able to get an idea of the characteristics of each amp.
Phil, Charles, et al.

I am a fan of the Takatsukis, but have not heard the Balloon KR 300b. That said, I can attest to the longevity of the Takatsukis. I have been using the same pair for about 5 years without any issues. I was fortunate to source a couple of pairs from Japan at a reasonable cost when they were first released. I have also found the dealers in Japan to be very accommodating - but the current price is steep and not negotiable.

While we tend to talk about output tubes and their variations, recently I have been trying different 6922/7308/etc. driver tubes and have been impressed by the impact - at least in my amplifier (custom made Ancient Audio 300b SET). I am currently using a carefully matched pair of Amperex white label, PQ shield 6922s. The difference is not subtle.

You and I go back quite far with our mutual admiration of the superb Takatsuki. I have come to suspect my amplifier may be a little tough on some 300b tubes. In the past 4 1/2 years I had to replaced 2 individual Takasuki tubes (done without any hassle per my Japanese source AMS Tram). The EML XLS is a heavy duty constructed 300b and seems very well suited in my amplifier. Reports say this durable 300b has a life span capacity of 40,000 hours ( similar to the discontinued AVVT SL 32).

A friend of mine has a very upscale and accurate tube tester. He tested my EMLs when they were brand new 3 1/2 years ago. He recently tested them and they measure "exactly" the same and they are used frequently in my system. This is a very rugged tube that also sounds superb in my amplifier. The Elrog 300b is sublime in sound quality but too fragile for my particular amplifier.