Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100

I have seen a lot of turntable and cartridges packages in  $1000- $1100, such as the Project RPM3 with the Sumiko BP-2 MC.   Project Xperience 1 with a Sumiko Pearl MM;  Rega Planar 3 with a Elys II cartridge. 

 I have formerly owned a Rega 3-24 with Elys II  and a Project Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red (which I did not like at all) . Would like to try something different, but can live with the above brands depending on their overall performance 

Need recommendations for turntable/cartridge new or used combo that punches far above its price of  $1100.  Thank you


The same reason I could by a 2 year old Mercedes E350 for $26k or a new Nissan Sentra for the same money.
Sunny, I own a Blue Point No. 2 cartridge which has no more than 30 hrs on it. I went to the dark side and now source primarily digital. I am going to put this cartridge up for sale here on AG. I will inspect it under my dissecting scope to insure it is like new, as I am confident it is. I will try and get my add up in the next couple days. If interested and you get to the add just send me a private message. We can discuss any concerns at that time.

To mesch,  Thanks for the  heads up.  I read several reviews of this cartridge. What is your opinion of its sound quality   I actually owned the original  Blue Point Special, which I renamed the "Blue Plate" Special  It was just too bright......    It was mounted on the Audioquest P-6  tonearm and  spun on a  VPI  HR-19  Junior

To noromance, I respect your opinion and comments, but that  analogy does not work for me.


Sunny, It just might be that the BP NO.2 might also sound too bright to you though tamed over the original Blue Point which I also owned several years ago. I had the original while owning B&K ST-140 amp and Pro 10 pre feeding a early pair of Vandersteen model 2s. It was mounted on a Sonograph SG-3 with MMT tonearm (which I still own). In that system I enjoyed the original BP.

RE my NO.2, I have not played vinyl enough lately such that it is probably not yet broken in, nor have I compared it to any other cartridge. I consider it a lively, dynamic cartridge and far more enjoyable to a Grado Gold MM cartridge ($220) I tried prior to purchasing the BP. My main reason for selling it is that I don't use my turntable ( not once in last 18 months) as I thought I would when I purchased it. I will be looking for a less expensive cartridge to replace it for use of the TT in a second system. 

If I was buying a TT system today I would buy the best TT/tonearm/cartridge combination that my budget would allow with focus on the TT/tonearm, with a cartridge that satisfies however not occupying a large fraction of the budget. Cartridges can be more easily replaced and need to be compatible with the phonostage used. 

If you remain interested in the BP No. 2, I am going to list mine here on AG today. Feel free to send me a private message via my add, we may be able to work something out. 

Good luck in your quest, whatever you choose.

Just saw this sorry....As far as I know you cannot replace the stylus on the AT OC9MLII though I'm sure you could get a retip from Soundsmith. The OC9 can usually be found here for about $250 and I see VPI Scouts all the time so you should not have trouble putting this combo together used fairly easily and for around $1200 bucks.