Awesome new cables from Jorma Design!

Jorma Design have released a new line of cables which replaces the old No.2 called 'Duality', including rca's, xlr's & a power cable. The new cables use the same materials used in No.2, but the quality is pushed to the limits whilst keeping the price about the same as the old model. The speaker cables use twin runs for the positive and negative, and are similar in design to the flagship Statement cables, only with simplified shieldings, and a slightly less pure grade of copper. Whilst the ic's and power cables use separate runs of cable within the same outer shieldings.

Jorma is very unlike 'commercial' cable companies who churn out new models every 2 years. Jorma takes the time needed to fully develop new models. No.2 remained unchanged for 12 years!

To describe the sound of Jorma cables, in a word I would say "natural". They get the tone/timbre of instruments spot on. Prime which I know very well nails the midrange. Jorma cables generally sound neutral (eg: Origo) to warm (eg: Unity, Prime), and are harmonically rich. Very musical sounding cables. What can I say, I just found the xlr cables for my next Oppo player!

Here is a link to further info -
Interview with Jorma Kosky on the new Duality cables -

Jorma Design are definitely high end cables. Duality is now their entry level power cable, and the ic’s and sc’s are the second model in the range. Though at their price point they are great value cables imho & punch well above their weight.
hi melbguy1,
thanks for the info. I shall try these when i have the opportunity. I have used Tellurium Silver Diamond cables on my system actually, excellent cables in my opinion. For power, I recently bought cables i've never seen or heard about on O'gon, they are the Legato Referenza, and they are incredible for the price, just unbeatable. I will also be trying out their signal cable which are apparently just as good.
YW hddg. Jorma are great cables. One thing I really like about them is they're like Boulder amplifiers, in that Jorma spends as long as it takes to fully develop a new cable until he is fully happy before it becomes a new product, then leaves in current production for many years which gives you pride of ownership, gets you off the merry go round & helps maintain resale value.

I don't have direct experience with Tellurium Silver Diamond cables, though from what i've read they sound very good indeed. There is a clear difference in this case (silver vs copper). I know Mihalis here on A'gon compared Nordost Odin to Jorma Prime some time back and preferred Jorma in most applications. Though Tellerium is a different product of course. Ultimately only an audition & your ears will be the judge!
@jafant, Jorma is based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Jorma hand-makes & tests all his cables. Though he sources his copper wire from a very select European supplier who really had to push the limits to produce the wire for their flagship cables.

In the US, you can contact the Distributor Dan Meinwald from Sound Advice in Long Beach, CA. He could point you to a local dealer. The Cable Co also carry Jorma most cables & post prices, though not the new Duality model.

Likewise Happy TG day to you & your family!