May I Please Hear Your Quad 57s or Open Baffles?

Might there be anyone on Long Island or in the NYC area who has Quad 57s?

Or any Acoustat 3s or 4s?

Or any Open Baffle speakers, be they Lowthers or


….or you name it.

I’ve googled for hours but can’t find any possible local owners.

Flying’s a problem, so traveling hundreds of miles is not an option.

Willing to pay a reasonable fee for a 1/2 hour session.

My opinion - an octave top and bottom, considerable clarity, but no, repeat no, loss of musicality. But YYMD, depends on what you listen to.

Your best bet is Audio Classics in Vestal NY. Its upstate about 150 miles. I've seen the both the Quad's and the Acoustat on display there. 

I am in Elizabet, NJ.  I have a pair of Ohm Walsh 2000s.  Although they are far below the price range you seem to be shopping in, IMHO, they punch far above their weight.

Since the Walsh driver and tweeter sit proud of the cabinet, they are indeed baffle-less.  The rest of my system is mostly up to date on my profile.

I believe you can send me a private message through A-gon.  Please do so if you want to set up a listening session.