There is something to be said about quality gear and the sum being greater than the parts. It sounds like you love the Pioneer. The best advice in my opinion is to order the Oppo direct from OppoDigital (I think there is a 30 day money back) and try it head to head. Unless someone has had both units, anything we would say in a forum is pure speculation. If oppo won't do a money back then call music direct in Chicago. They carry the premium version of the Oppo with the higher end analog outs. I'm a big proponent of trying out gear in your own equipment chain.
Have fun and I think we'd be curious to hear your impressions. As a side note, if you are interested in adopting bluray that's one thing but if you are looking for transports in general and looking for pure audio quality then you may want to check out the Ayre and Simaudio units.
All the best
There is something to be said about quality gear and the sum being greater than the parts. It sounds like you love the Pioneer. The best advice in my opinion is to order the Oppo direct from OppoDigital (I think there is a 30 day money back) and try it head to head. Unless someone has had both units, anything we would say in a forum is pure speculation. If oppo won't do a money back then call music direct in Chicago. They carry the premium version of the Oppo with the higher end analog outs. I'm a big proponent of trying out gear in your own equipment chain.
Have fun and I think we'd be curious to hear your impressions. As a side note, if you are interested in adopting bluray that's one thing but if you are looking for transports in general and looking for pure audio quality then you may want to check out the Ayre and Simaudio units.
All the best