Multi-Format players of yesteryear, vs. Now

Hello good people

I have a Pioneer DV AX10 player. It is a fairly rare bird that was above Pioneer's Elite players. At the time (Ten years ago now) it was a universal player that did all formats (SACD, DVD Audio, HDCD) but is pre Blu Ray. When I bought it new, retail was 6K and I paid just under 5K.

It's built like a tank, 55lbs!, double airlock transport, shielded with 1/4" thick copper all around it, balanced outs, multi-channel surround outs. You can turn video off, digital off, etc. etc. It was touted as a true high-end machine, gunning for Sony's top-of-the-line SACD player, but adding DVD audio and a great DVD section as well. Until Blu Ray came along, I had never seen a better picture.

Now I'm finding that I'm really interested in getting back to good, engaging, two-channel sound.

I know that this is the HT spot, but I couldn't find a more appropriate forum, plus the machines that I'm looking at do HT as well so, my question:

While I've always liked the DV AX10 for music, will something like the Oppo 95 from today sound better than a super-premium unit like this, from ten years ago?

Electronics do age, and the DACS from today (Burr Browns in the AX10) should be better, yes?

Before I drop another grand or three (with mods) I want to have an educated idea about whether I'll really be stepping up.

The rest of the 2ch system is an ARC LS-16mkII, an ARC HD-220, and NHT 2.9's. Yes, I know, I might want to do something about the speakers one of these days.

Thanks guys. James

There is something to be said about quality gear and the sum being greater than the parts. It sounds like you love the Pioneer. The best advice in my opinion is to order the Oppo direct from OppoDigital (I think there is a 30 day money back) and try it head to head. Unless someone has had both units, anything we would say in a forum is pure speculation. If oppo won't do a money back then call music direct in Chicago. They carry the premium version of the Oppo with the higher end analog outs. I'm a big proponent of trying out gear in your own equipment chain.

Have fun and I think we'd be curious to hear your impressions. As a side note, if you are interested in adopting bluray that's one thing but if you are looking for transports in general and looking for pure audio quality then you may want to check out the Ayre and Simaudio units.

All the best
Keep the Pioneer! I have always been a fan of the Burr-Brown DACS. The high-end "Elites" or better were purpose built during the Hey-Dey of CD/SACD DVD-A technology. I would not be surprised that in a blind set-up you would not beat 50% vs a compatible $2000 player. Just my opinion.

Yes I have owned four Pioneer "Elite" Players, three receivers and one RPTV.
Well, hey, thank you everyone for the responses. I think you're right, I have to get an Oppo and do an A-B. I was sort of expecting the general consensus to be that advances have been such that a new higher-end machine would of course trounce anything 10 years old. But here we are, able to spend 50K or more on a device to turn a vinyl pressing into sound. I'll figure something out and chime back in to let you know what I discover. Thanks for the resources for the new machine.
It's probably worth trying the oppo if you want a one box solution, but that is likely a sideways move. I also agree with keeping the Pio as a transport (they simply don't build em like that anymore) and spending money on a good, current DAC which would also allow you to go the computer audio route. This is where all the change is going on, and DACs seem to become obsolete very quickly these days. Edorr is right, you'll not want to look back once you go that route. It's a pain to set up right but it is the future.
I have a late 80's/early 90's Denon DCD-3520 CD player that is also built like a tank(40++ lbs) that still sounds fantastic and operates perfectly today, of course it is only a redbook CD player. Also in my possesion is an Integra DPS-10.5(same as Onkyo DV-SP1000) universal player(non BD) that is well worth the $200.00 I spent for it considering it's msrp was $2300.00. For a secondary music system in which you do not need to have BD, either of these are great choices. Main system my choice would be the Oppo 95.
