SS Amp for Triangle Speakers

Can anybody recommend a good SS Amp(preferrably integrated) that is a good match with the new Triangle Esprit floorstanders in terms of them not being overly bright? I am looking for a warm or even tube sounding amp that is SS to match them with these speakers, I listen to mainly rock music.
I'd also recommend the middle-of-the-road Wireworld speaker cables as being able to take some of that brightness off.
Audio note 'Oto' paired with Triangle GAÏA serie ez, sounds amazing, with  SS versions GAIA  doesn't perform to the level of Audio note's magical mid-range..

The speakers has balanced sound, controlled bass,  is able revel the difference with any kind of change in the upper chain..

Thanks for bringing back the Triangle speakers topic, I don' find 'Triangle" brand very often mentioned anywhere..
Bel canto c5i fits the bill with my Triangle Titus xs speakers.    Not bright at all and a great match. 
I use a yba passion 100 on my triangle Titus and Genese speakers outstanding sound quality!