Pass Labs amps questions

SO i started looking into Pass brand amps.  My room is carpeted movie theater of rectangular shape, 18 wide x 26 ft deep.  I'm currently running Audio Research 5SE into Mark Levinson 331 (100 watt RMS SS at 8ohms) then Dynaudio Confidence C4 speakers.  Although I love the sound this gives me, i feel it just doesn't have enough oomph!  For example, in order to sound "right" when i listen to the Eagles Hell Freezes Over DVD, volume is at level 60 on the 5SE.  Im not detecting any clipping at all nor does the Levinson get too warm.  I don't think its straining at all but not sure how to tell.  Its old and i just want to try and get a different or maybe see if i can get a better sound.  I am wondering what the audioafficianados out there would recommend or provide more info on with regards to the Pass Labs line up.  I am specifically wanting a pair of Class A mono blocks.  What falls in my budget is a pair of the XA200.5's on the Agon site here now VS a New/Demo X350.8 demo from Reno Hifi.   Would the X350.8 hold an advantage over the 200 monos with its additional 300 watts of power (C4s are 4 ohms)? I remember needing to double the power in order to move the SPL 3 db???.   If this were correct and given my room size, would this added power benefit my system? All in all would you prefer used pure class A less power or brand new class AB higher power for about the same price?  I'll sit and *listen* for your knowledgeable replies.  Thanks in advance.


Indeed. They showed both series for awhile on the web site, but no more. 

Having heard a variety of Pass equipment, I would heartily and in fact, strongly agree with Georgelofi, Ozzy, Marco1 and l35: you have to hear ANY component in your own system, and in your own listening room.

I happened to hear the .5 and .8 comparison in the above-mentioned system. The amps were compared fairly, each given time to reach optimum operating temperature and the comparison was A-B-A, which I feel is a smart, fair / intelligent way to listen for a comparison. It takes longer but is both more informative and gives each component a chance to show its strengths, relative to the other item in the comparison.

Components can, in my estimation, only show their true character when placed in a room that has been carefully and fully treated for its inherent sonic signature. So turning to Marc at Reno HiFi is a wise choice. He is Great at helping you find what makes your heart sing --after you get your system to 'sing the room' his advice will give you even more satisfaction.

Best of Luck --and Patience. In my opinion they will both pay off.
Hi,Wonderful review of PASS 350.8 in Positive Feedback #87 by Robert Youman.I totally agree.
I owned different Pass Labs poweramps and monos in the last 7 years of time. I also owned the XP-20 for 2 years of time.

I owned the XA100.5 for 2 years of time as well. Now I own the X350.5. I use this one with the latest Purist Audio LE luminist powercable. This gives the 350.5 a totally different level. The mid freqeuncies are more souding like they do with XA series. ( I owned 3 different XA power amps of Pass Labs) I love the extra controle and details the X series can give.

We did a test with the AR 5SE pre amp with the X350.5. People think it is a very good preamp, but mannnnn it is a very poor pre amp.

What did it do connecting with the X350.5?

- the speed, controle en timing went to a much lower level.
- the details became a lot less
- the stage depth and width became a lot less
- the individual focus of instruments and voices became less sharp.

Not even for free I would use the Audio research ref 5SE as a pre amp. The person who owned the AR Ref5SE could really cry. I never forget the look in his eyes. The truth can be hard and confronting.

My personal opinion about Pass Labs is they create stunning poweramps and create good pre amps. But not stunning ones, as they should be. They are not good enough. But AR pre amps ar not better!!

* my next Pass Labs will be 350.8, but probable the X600.5 monos.
" My personal opinion about Pass Labs is they create stunning poweramps and create good pre amps. But not stunning ones, as they should be. They are not good enough."


I agree. My Pass amps were definitely at a higher level than Pass preamps I've owned. But you don't give an alternative. If not Pass or ARC, what preamps do you like with Pass amps?