The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
Dear bluewolf,
You seem like a reasonable, rational and personable kind of guy so I need to give you some history and advice about Raul.....😎
It is best to ignore his Posts as any response, encourages him that still reading what he says...over and over and over again 💤
He constantly cites ’opinions’ as if they were ’facts’ and never supplies a shred of scientific evidence to support them.
His naive idea of ’evidence’ producing a copy of some other hapless individual’s subjective opinion with which Raul agrees...🗿

About seven years ago, Dertonarm (Daniel Brakemeier) and Raul had unseemly arguments on these pages about all things analogue .....from turntables to tonearms to cartridges and especially the tonearm geometry systems of Lofgren, Baerwald, Stevenson etc.
At that time, Raul proudly announced he was designing a tonearm and cartridge and even gave a date at the forthcoming CES where it would be introduced.
Dertonarm wagered that HIS tonearm would be presented to the world before Raul’s...
Fast forward and history shows that not only has Raul’s tonearm never seen the light of day....but Dertonarm went on to start up Acoustical Systems which now produces two tonearms, four MC cartridges, ingenious headshells, tonearm set-up protractors and possibly the world’s most expensive turntable.
Brakemeier even invented a NEW tonearm geometry and could be considered one of the world’s foremost experts on tonearm geometry✍️

I also discovered many years ago...that almost everything Raul thought was ’good’ in the way of cartridges, headshells , tonearms and turntables I found pedestrian. And almost everything he thought was ’bad’.....I found to be revealing and satisfying.

So I urge you bluewolf, to do as my hero, George Costanza once famously did.......
Do the OPPOSITE of everything Raul says to do....😜
That motto has served me well for many years for as the story of Raul and Dertonarm shows......Raul is mostly wrong ‼️


Dear halcro,

Many thanks for giving me the background and for your sage advice. All understood and I will pen no more in this regard!

All the best
In USA $10,445
What is the manufacturing cost for this cartridge. Ball park.

Sancho Panza was a kind of technical servant of Don Quichot.

As was the case in those old times all the merits of an servant

belonged to their masters. So those pre-amps, tonearms, headshells

etc, as pretended inventions of  Raul are actually made (or not)by

his Sancho Panza. Don Quichot himself was not even able to fix

his own blown up midrange speakers. I think that Sancho Panza

discovered that slavery was abandoned and started for him

self. This (should) explain Halcro's wondering about those missing

tonearms  and other promissed components.  

Halcro, I loved your observation about vintage MM and some (not all) vintage MC cartridges vs modern LOMC cartridges.  It was bang on the money.  Last night I was listening to my SS re-tipped Grace Ruby, about a $600 total investment, and wondering whether and how, for example, a ZYX UNIverse will compare to it.

I personally credit Raul for calling this dichotomy to my attention.