What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?

In this post let's consider alcohol, nicotine, and coffee drugs, as they are, along with the usual suspects that can get you arrested in most US states and beheaded in Saudi Arabia. I live in Victoria, Canada, which has more marijuana shops than Starbucks, and we have tons of Starbucks. In 10 minutes, I can walk from my house to four dispensaries, which will sell to anyone over 18. OK, enough bragging, For me, a puff, and just one puff (I don't like getting stoned) can be the best tweak ever. A glass of wine is also a fine compliment. Too much alcohol will increase my enjoyment (because I'm drunk) but put Phil Spector in the room (wall of sound and loss of the stuff I value in my system, such as clarity).
I like a puff here and there myself but a nice cup of coffee done right is what floats my boat. Less occasionally a pale ale of some kind. Going out to see live music is the almost the reverse order with coffee a distant third place. All done with anything else for the foreseeable future. 
Also, I found that holding my breath until I faint doesn't work well for music listening as you risk falling over and smashing your face. Also, never drink and operate a chain saw especially in a small dimly lit room. 
"If it were legal here I'd probably take a puff or two to catch that buzz. I used to enjoy it quite a bit. It’s not legal so I don’t."

I was always under the assumption the illegality was part of the fun. "Hi, officer, what seems to be the problem?"
Back in 1972-3 the thrill to be gained from the illegal aspect no longer outweighed the consequences. Turning 18 had a way of punching me in the face. 
So many of the illegal things I did before becoming responsible for my actions seemed to lose their luster. Most of them I stopped; smoking a little weed continued for a while, but the thrill of the illegality had nothing to do with it's continuance. 
When I was first "turned on" (!) to the joys of pot smoking in the mid 60s (the years, not my age) we were utterly terrified of being busted for it…years later when I had friends who were Honolulu police officers they pointed out that they always had great pot around that had been confiscated from terrified motorists who had simply been warned and let go…cute huh?