Wilson Sofia 2 vs marten dajango L

I have narrowed my selection to the two speakers Wilson Sofia 2 vs marten django.  I currently run all mcintosh mc 500 amps and I also need a speaker where I can match with a center speaker . I haven't heard any Martens speakers so how will they compare to the wilsons ? My room is 14 x 20 stereo/home theater room....I listen from acoustic rock to Pearl Jam mostly from my VPI turntable ....any input would help before I pull the trigger budget around 5k give or take .....thank you
Tyler Acoustic Linbrook
Can’t find anything in the way of impedance vs -phase angle graphs on these, so I can’t even comment.

Cheers George
The low end on the Django L's is absolutely fantastic......in a 20x16 room, it was plenty and the Django XL's would have overpowered it.....of course your taste in music might affect that judgement......I am just not inclined toward the bass heavy at all......
George what speakers do match the phase of McIntosh ?
Here are just some in the same’ish price range class that the OP mentioned, from Stereophile impedance v -phase angle graphs that transformer coupled amps like push/pull tubes and McIntosh should have an easy time with.
There are many many more, it’s all about doing your homework, understanding what amps are capable of doing by their measurements/topology, by reading about them and understanding graph of speaker measurements.


Cheers George
Clearly, not everyone can hear the difference nor can they be expected to understand how ultra light rigid cones might behave differently from soft fabric or paper/pulp or "intrinsically damped materials". For those mentally challenged, imagine a wine glass versus a pillow - which one will ring most when you tap it - extreme example of course.